Two bottles of Merlot, a late night at Rory's, and the impending threat of no housekeeping kept me in bed on Thursday morning a little later than a real working person should have been, but hell, I had a late flight, and no fear of housekeeping barging in on me whilst I finished off the last twenty four minutes of the movie that I rented...
May Day is a funny celebration - people who are here illegally are raising hell about not being able to be here legally, but go through the legal process of permitting their everything else, I say get in line, fill out the forms, and wait for a response - I honestly believe people deserve a fair chance to work - but deflating wages and flooding the market with cheap labor does not do anyone any good - in fact it perpetuates that class struggle that continually widens and deepens the chasms that exist in American communities - the wierd thing is that I don't believe that this is only an American problem, the Middle Eastern countries ship in thousands of Malaysians and Bangladesh to build hotels that they will never be able to afford, the europeans are taking advantage of the huge influx of cheap eastern european labor (and surprisingly enough cheap educated labor that speaks the native tongue) - so for us to be so selfish as to claim it as our own problem is strange - perhaps we should explore what our European counterparts do to combat (if this strong of a term should actually be used) this issue...
Man, that was pretty heavy for George - I tend to try and stay away from politics and religion - those opinions are like buttholes - everybody has one, but typically we don't go around and ask to investigate them - because most of them stink. Pretty picture...
None the less, this was a great long May Day morning that lasted until exactly 10:08 West Coast time - the dogwoods are blooming, and the window was open, so the cool morning breeze tempered the hang over, and made the morning a slow peaceful and wonderful experience...
I have included a couple of photos from our recent vacation - Gabe was great - Gray was great, and most of all, it was relaxing and fun for a week of just replacing blood cells with beer and brain cells with vodka...
Next time, we talk about Cassanova - man, he was really a dirty pervert, but I have to admit, he tops Tucker Max any day....
Until next time,
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