Sunday, October 5, 2008

Another Pleasant Valley Sunday...

Ah, this weekend has been the picure perfect suburbia weekend - soccer games, bike rides, tennis matches, cookouts, fires in the chiminea, counting Obama and McCain yard signs, discussions about Chiropractors, you know, the perfect stuff that all perfect families do in the perfect little neighborhoods, with their perfect little children and their perfectly cleaned minivans and SUV's -

Just another Pleasant Valley Sunday...

My in-laws came over yesterday, and boy howdy, did we ever have a blast - I don't quite understand that side of the tracks - not only do I not come from that side of the tracks, I don't have any real delusions of grandeur that I will ever make it over there either - I am sure it is nice, I get to visit it every once in a while, and enjoy the trappings - but I don't think I am quite polished enough to ever fit into a country club - something about barefoot dancing at three day rock festivals and enjoying dirty jokes eliminates just about every sponsor I might ever have...

You know, this hum drum blog is like my weekend - it was of course not horrible, not shitty, no tragedies or drama, it was just a weekend - and I don't want just weekends -

Maybe I will luck out and get a phone call from a hungover friend who travelled way too much this weekend, then again, maybe I will not, but I hope to.


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